Thursday, April 3, 2014

Limitless: a post of everything you need to know to reach your dream body

First thing's first: you need to dig deep down into your soul. Like, the deeper than you think the depths of your existence can reach. You need to really figure out WHY you want to make the difference in your life to become fit. Here, I'll help you out;

  • To better your self confidence
  • To be healthy
  • To be physically fit enough to perform tasks you're not usually able to perform
  • To look sexy... all the time
  • For bikini season
  • For a fitness competition

Whatever your reason may be, I'm here to get you there. In this series of posts, I will give away my very own workout plan and diet. The next part is up to you: PERFORM.

I like to think that my week starts on Monday, so that's where I will start my plan.

First, I will explain my diet. I follow the CarbNite Solution; written up by a scientist named John Kiefer. This diet is based off of a low carbohydrate routine. The idea of this diet is to eat 30g or less of carbohydrates for six days. On the seventh day, you eat carbs. Keep in mind that on the seventh day, you need to make sure and keep your fat levels low. Low fat, high carb. On the other six days, you are limitless to the amount of fat you consume.

The science behind this diet is simple. Our bodies burn fat three different ways. The first to burn is carbohydrates, the second is fat, and the third is protein. By eliminating carbohydrates, the first thing you're burning is... FAT. I have had a great amount of success with this diet.